Post-menopause, estrone, produced by the adrenal glands and fat tissues, is the main estrogen. It's crucial for bone and heart health but also raises the risk of certain cancers, emphasizing the importance of hormonal balance monitoring in postmenopausal women.
Estradiol, the primary estrogen in childbearing women, is vital for regulating the menstrual cycle, fertility, and overall health. Produced by the ovaries, its levels vary, affecting mood and energy. Understanding estradiol is key in addressing menstrual and hormonal issues.
During pregnancy, estriol is the main estrogen, produced by the placenta. It's essential for fetal growth and preparing for childbirth. Despite being the weakest estrogen, its increased levels during pregnancy are crucial for both mother and baby's health.
At Natural Endocrinology Specialists™ (NES), we understand the intricate dance of estrogen in women's health. That's why we offer DUTCH testing, a comprehensive hormone analysis, to craft personalized wellness plans for every phase of a woman's journey.
Breast Tenderness
Irregular Periods
Mood Swings
Hot Flashes
Vaginal Dryness
Low Libido
At NES™, we offer integrative testing to help us analyze and get deeper insights on how hormones metabolize in the body.
We aim to gather detailed data so that we can develop a comprehensive hormonal treatment plan for our patients and look for the root cause.
Acupuncture Session - $189.00
Acupuncture, Package of 4 - $636.00
Female Pellet Insertion Package - $518.00
Male Pellet Insertion Package - $744.00