Estrogen in men plays a pivotal role in supporting bone density, modulates libido, aids in sperm production, and has protective effects on the heart and arteries. The proper level of estradiol are necessary for men’s overall well-being, with both excess and deficiency having potential health implications.
Muscle Weakness
Weight Gain
Decreased Libido
Water Retention
Elevated estrogen levels in males can lead to several health issues. Although estrogen is typically considered a female hormone, it's also important in male health. High estrogen in men can disrupt the hormonal balance.
While low estrogen levels are less common in men, they can still occur and have significant effects. Estrogen is vital for maintaining bone density, brain function, and cardiovascular health in men.
Acupuncture Session - $189.00
Acupuncture, Package of 4 - $636.00
Female Pellet Insertion Package - $518.00
Male Pellet Insertion Package - $744.00